Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Honey and Pears too!!

First, we are rounding up the raw honey order, so if you are wanting any, get a hold of me asap - money is due by Friday.  Honey will be delivered either this weekend or next, depending on Honeyman's schedule, weather, etc.  So, I'll keep you posted as to when I get it.  I can almost taste it... :)

For pears, we didn't hit our mark as far as orders go, but we spoke with the farmer and are going ahead with an order.  These pears are Bartlett(the green ones), they are from Utah, and they come in a half-bushel (around 27 pounds).  Each box is $20.  We are taking orders/payments until next Monday, and are planning on picking them up next weekend, again, depending on the farmer.  If you are opening this order to your ward, feel free to give them my email address, number, etc.  I know this is short notice, but just let me know if you need a little more time, and I'll see what I can do.  I have always canned my pears, but I heard from someone in the network that pear jam is delicious.  I just might try it this year. :)  Oh, and one last thing - because the farmer was still willing to work with us even though we didn't hit the order number he needed, let's try to spread the word as much as we can so hopefully, we get the number anyway.  :)  That would be a nice surprise for him...

Hope you all are enjoying your harvest season as much as I am!!  I'll be all pooped out by the end of it all.  But, my pantry will be full... :)

Elizabeth Kay, Self-reliant Network

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